This morning we talked about mother and child health care. It was really intense. We discussed many different factors that play into maternal mortality. It was towards the end of class, after talking for hours about different stories of women, who died for such avoidable reasons, that I just broke down. We talked about women who didn't take proper precautions simply because they were uneducated. There was just no antenatal care, no understanding of nutrition, or even means of transportation to hospitals. And if they made it to the hospitals, often the hospitals were not equiped to take care of the women like she needed to be taken care of. We had a time of prayer towards the end, just asking God to share with us His heart for these women. I prayed and prayed, not really even able to find the right words to express my brokenness towards the topic at hand. I just began to weep, thinking about all I've been given. The gift of education, the ability to know how to take care of myself, to know about germs, and health care, proper hygeine, to have a family that blessed me with insurance, to know what it is to have a healthy body. To know that my body has value, that it means something. To have choices.

How blessed I am. How much more can I bless because of what I've been given. Jesus help me not to take this lightly.


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