Well hello again. As I approach my one year anniversary of blogging absence, I feel a sort of tingling in my finger tips for a rebirth of this fascinating hobby which seems to have taken the world by storm. With a few new changes to the "comment settings" and consideration of making this blog private, I have grown more comfortable with the idea of documenting my life as I live it. There was a short amount of time, before I stopped writing, where I was overwhelmingly aware that this blog was not simply an empty canvas in which I could haphazardly paint my thoughts. This realization made writing less appealing and then forgotten as my spring produced an engagement ring and my summer- a husband. In August I returned from my honeymoon as a new wife, with a new job, and a new semester of school. Last month life slowed down, and my thoughts began to swim again. So, I think I'll start writing them down once more. And what will come will come. Welcome back. Here's a year in pictures review.
Josh C