I was cleaning out my inbox tonight and I found this little ditty I wrote in India for a friend who is writing a book on the Holy Spirit... It was good for me to re-read and re-discover.
Defining the Holy Spirit…
How can one define something indefinable, or describe something indescribable?
It's what reminds me that I am who I am, and that this is only the beginning.
I love rainy days. The heavy clouds that cover the vast blue sky somehow make the world just that much smaller. Once just unfathomable, endless space, the sky becomes tangible. The clouds are defined by line and colour, they are near. The rain falls on the rich, the poor, the big, and the small. We all, for one sacred moment in time, can feel the same thing… rain. Cool, wet drops saturate our once dry clothing. It matters not whether we wear cotton or cashmere for they both become wet under the presence of rain. People young and old scurry here and there under rooftops and shop awnings, while others fiddle with umbrellas. Some embrace the one condition they cannot control and dance.
It makes the untouchable, touchable; those forgotten, remembered. It makes tragedy bearable and laughter sweet. It guides the blind, and writes the stories of the saints.
Music notes become songs and words become ideas.
Color and shape become pictures and skin and bones become life.
It defines the indefinable. It is the indefinable.
It is the hands and feet of God.
It's the result of a sacrifice, coming with the tearing of the veil; it escorts us into the Holy of Holies, the sacred place, the place of intimacy and the place of life.
Day in and day out I feel I am lead by this mystery. In circumstances large and small, I feel its promptings, its guiding hands. God's guiding hands.
It breaks the heavy yoke, releases the captives, gives grace and strength to the weary and down hearted. It is kind words, gentle embraces, and the peace in the stillness of night. It is what makes the vastness of the ocean breathtaking and unbearable. It is the first breath of new life, fresh from the womb. It is the comforter that guides the weary old traveler from this life into another far greater.
It defines the indefinable. It is the indefinable.
It is the hands and feet of God.