I find that at the end of every week, I sit down with my computer, only to be overwhelmed by memories from my last seven days. How can I tell the countless amounts of stories, doing them justice, and still holding the sweet attention of the American mind? Bear with me as I do my best…

The week started with lectures, learning how to treat eclampsia. Heaps of different injections, IV’s, grams, hours, days, doses, numbers, fractions, lines, procedures, all needed to be recalled in a situation of life or death. Oh the sweet grace of G.od. The next two days were spent working with Sudanese Refugees, doing antenatal check ups and Tuberculosis checks. It was really interesting to learn about TB. We saw a 13 year old boy, who, before treatment had to be carried in by his father. He had extra pulmonary TB, where the bacteria are outside of the lungs. His spinal cord was affected, causing him to be extremely weak. It had been a few months of doing the treatment with the clinic, and he came in walking, and smiling. He was such a handsome young man. I was so thankful for his precious life, and for the miracle of medicine.
Wednesday we spent in our neighborhood, investing into some of the relationships we’ve been blessed to form here in the last seven weeks. One of the women we visited that day, some of our girls had met last month at the hospital after attempting suicide. We’ve been keeping up with her, trying to speak as much life as possible into her. But this visit was very different than the last few, as she joined this beautiful kingdom. He is good.
We went to lunch, and then visited some women we had also met last month during a rather dramatic family dispute. We spoke of forgiveness, and life, they as well joined the kingdom that day. There sincerity and hunger was inspiring and beautiful. I think the whole world was blessed that day, my heart still leaps when I remember it. None of these women were pregnant, or had newborns, but we simply knew them through working in the area. It's amazing how Love moves even the most unlikely of hearts.

Thursday we spent getting our visas for India, and at the pyramids. It was amazing. After years and years of dreaming of seeing these amazing rock structures, I finally saw them… and they were amazing. They sit right at the edge of the city, so you drive through all the hustle and bustle, then all of a sudden you’re just at the this distinct line of concrete and sand. You look up and see these massive rock pyramids, the dusty ground is littered with people from every country the earth has to offer, camels, horses, and tacky trinkets. It was strange to be a tourist for a day. Aside from seeing the pyramids, I rather disliked it. But I counted myself blessed, especially because I got to ride a camel. It was some time in India when I decided I didn’t like camels, but I gave this one a chance, and fell in love. To my surprise it was actually the horse I rode that I loathed. I had to come half way across the world to discover my deep fear of horses. I used to be in pony club, and I quote, “Horses are my life!” Now, thirteen years later, I’m galloping down the sand dunes of the pyramids, holding on for that dear life, hating every minute of it. It was such a comical scene, one I wish I could share with each and every one of you, my feet slipping out of the pathetic stirrups, my purse falling off an arm attached to a hand, with a white-knuckle-death-grip on the reigns and saddle. It was a sight to be hold. My mom and step-dad have five horses now, I think, maybe I'll conquer this fear when I get home. On something a little less terrifying than an Arabian stallion. Oh laughter, healing to the soul. My poor terrified soul.

It was a wonderful week, I hate to see it end, as they always do. My time in the Middle East is sadly, but surly drawing to a close. I've been going up to my roof lately, in the morning after my quite time The weather has cooled off, so the morning air is chilled and breezy. There is something so magical about mornings. As if the normal haze of life is cut through, and I can see clearly, even if just for a few hours. His mercy is renewed every morning. "On the wings of the morning, hope is rising." It's beautiful, you can see most of the city. I truly have fallen in love with this place. It's hard to make so many homes, just to leave them a few months later. But what a worthy cause. What a worthy Go.d. What a worthy nation. I am blessed. I am truly blessed.
I p.ray you are as well. I love you all so dearly. I remember you often in thought and pr.ayer. Blessings. He is so good.
im glad that there are still people like you doing something with their lives.
its pretty inspiring.