WEEK TEN... I can hardly believe so much time has already passed. It's only three weeks till I leave for Northern Africa. That is wild. Some days I realize what I'm actually doing, and I almost loose my breath. Last week we had lectures on "Fear of the Lord". It was nice to have a break from all the female parts, and medical terms; however, the week was not an easy one. Even though it was a struggle, and I was forced to look at areas in my life where I definitely lack fear of the Lord, it was so good. I came out of it really thankful for revelation. About what fear of God is, simply allowing your love for God override your love for sin. Or in lesser words, a hatred of sin. All in all, realizing how worthy God is. Of my life, of my heart, of my time... He's so close. Such an intimate God. Sometimes my mind is just blown.
Here's some random pictures, one for my mom, a few from our feild trip to st john's hospital... my life in Western Australia. How I've grown to love it.