GOD IS GOOD...Last week we needed $32,000 AU for our trip to Northern Africa and India. Then, in just a few days we saw ALL OF IT come in! Praise God. It was incredible. We prayed and prayed and prayed for weeks that it would all be in by September 6th. On Sep. 5th we still needed $19,000 AU, then by that night we had all but $2,400. Which just so happened to be how much we made doing 4 car washes. It was a few weeks ago that someone on our team said they felt like we were not only going to get all of the money in by the night of the 5th, but also that we would celebrate with Indian food. So my school leader thought of some random Indian food restarant, went there, asked the owner to donate some food, and came home with loads of delicious Indian food. It was, to say the least, AMAZING. I just laughed, and cried, and was utterly amazed by the love and goodness of God. Here's some pictures of us celebrating...