I am just about finished with my three month stay in Australia. Now we're getting ready to leave in three weeks to do mother and child health care in Northern Africa and India for nine months. We have a passion to see Jesus brought to these nations, and all that He comes with Him: justice, peace, love and life. We want to see an end to Female Genital Mutilation. An end to child marriages, human trafficing, sex-selected abortions, gendercide, honour killings... We want to see women and children valued as God values them. We will be doing this practically by brining education, and clinics, teaching on proper antenatal care, nutrition, medical procedures, and prevetion of illness. Embracing the beauty of a culture, the beauty of a nation, empowering them, educating them.
Freely I have recieved, freely I give.
My team is still in need of around $7,000 AU. Please, if you can, and if you'd like, partner with us.
Injustice is not alright. It's not alright with me, and it's not alright with the God I serve. I serve a mighty powerful amazing God. Mighty to save. If you will, help us get there. Bring hope, life, peace, healing, restoration.
I love you guys. I really do.
God bless you.