YANCHEP PARK... We took a trip to Yanchep Park today. We saw kangaroos, and koalas. It was so amazing. Australia is so beautiful. The plants and scenery is just amazing. I'm so thankful to be here.
I really am so thankful. This morning I read Isaiah 40: 28-31. I love that when we wait on God it is not a time of stagnancy, or complacency, but a time of movement and growth. Not a time of anxiousness, but a time of anticipation. Knowing that God is good. I love that it's not about the destination, but about the journey. Not about tomorrow, but today. It's about Yanchep. It's about these people, and kangaroos. It's about homework. It's about abundance. Lord, I want to pick up these things You've placed at my feet in this time of "waiting" and run with them. I want wings of eagles. I thank you for this time. I thank you for life. I never want to fall under complacency. I never want to fall under apathy. I want to glorify you in all I am, all I have, and all I do. In my words, my time, my actions. I want to choose abundance even when I am tired. Because what have I but you? We are all just flowers fading. I want to shine as beautifully as I can, while I still have time to shine. I want abundance Lord. Because you're worthy. I don't want to walk, I don't want to run, I want to dance. I don't want to live for you Jesus, I want to be completly and utterly undone.